
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Have you Ever?

Have you ever made a HUGE mistake in your life and thought you could never be forgiven for it? Have you ever made a mistake that could have potentially ruined your life, but God's grace saved you from a terrible fate? If so, please share...

When God does these things in our life, it's nothing to hide or be ashamed of, of course our sin is nothing to boast about but when he delivers us we ought to share the news, so that someone else's life might be changed!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

ALMOST (Saved) by Ezekiel Azonwu

Very anointed young man...honestly some of the finest and BEST spoken word I've ever heard. Speaks to the same topic as the previous post. How can we as Christians avoid being lukewarm and only going through the motions of Church but being on FIRE for Christ and living for the best of these which is LOVE, and the Great Commission to go into all nations and preach to gospel?!

Christian Comedy: Church Folks by Emmanuel & Philip Hudson

These two young men are the prime examples of two people with a vision and a dream, who took their vision and dream to Youtube and now have a following of millions of people and counting. This video is absolutely hilarious, but sheds light on truth that lukewarm Christians lead. Are you a lukewarm Christian? Revelation 3:16 Hope you appreciate the truth in humour, do not take it personal.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Remember the story of Peter walking on the water towards Jesus in the book of Matthew in Chapter 14? Initially, Peter had the faith and bravery to step out onto the water and walk but once he began noticing his surroundings such as the strong winds, he took his eyes off of Jesus and began to sink. Recall a time in your life when you took your eyes off of God, doubted His ability to get you through, or blamed Him for something and lost focus on that fact that 'With God things that are impossible to man, are possible with God (Matthew 19:26)." Please share your experience in the comment box below and suggest ways in which we can keep the faith even in seemingly bad situations.